Marko v3 is here! Read the announcement and find out what is new in Marko v3


A high performance templating engine and UI component building library from eBay

Marko: HTML Templating

Marko is a really fast and lightweight HTML-based templating engine that compiles templates to readable Node.js-compatible JavaScript modules, and it works on the server and in the browser. It supports streaming, async rendering and custom tags.

Try Marko Online!

npm install marko

Marko Widgets: UI Components

Marko Widgets is a UI component building library that utilizes Marko templates as the view. It offers advanced features like DOM diffing/patching, batched updates, stateful widgets, declarative event binding and efficient event delegation.

Try Marko Widgets Online!

npm install marko-widgets

Clean and flexible syntax

HTML Syntax

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>Marko Templating Engine</title>
            Hello ${}!
        <ul if(data.colors.length)>
            <li for(color in data.colors)>
        <div else>
            No colors!

Concise Syntax

<!DOCTYPE html>
html lang="en"
        title - Marko Templating Engine
        h1 - Hello ${}!
        ul if(data.colors.length)
            li for(color in data.colors)
        div else
            - No colors!

Mixed Syntax

<!DOCTYPE html>
html lang="en"
        <title>Marko Templating Engine</title>
            Hello ${}!
        ul if(data.colors.length)
            li for(color in data.colors)
        div else
            - No colors!

Marko Usage

var template = require('./template.marko');
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
            name: 'Frank',
            colors: ['red', 'green', 'blue']
        }, res);

Marko Features

Marko Widgets Features

  • Lightweight UI component building library
  • Marko used as the view
  • DOM diffing/patching using morphdom
  • Batched updates
  • Stateful and stateless UI components
  • Declarative event binding
  • Efficient event delegation
  • Server-side and client-side rendering
  • Compatible with Redux

If you are looking for Marko v2 docs, please see: Legacy Documentation: Marko v2